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Notes for use of electromagnetic heater

Date of release:2019-01-16 Author: Click:


Electromagnetic induction heating, Electromagnetic heating (foreign language: Electromagnetic heating abbreviations: EH) technology, is the principle of Electromagnetic heating is through the electronic circuit board component of alternating magnetic field, when using iron container placed above the surface of the container is cutting alternating magnetic field lines in the metal part at the bottom of the container produce alternating current (eddy current), eddy current to make the bottom of the container carrier a high-speed movement rules, carrier and atoms collide with each other, friction and heat generation. Here is a look at the use of electromagnetic heaters notes.

1. The environment of the workshop includes dust, dust and humidity

Generally speaking, the larger the dust dust, the more adverse to the electromagnetic heating control motherboard. In case of large dust, the fan on the electromagnetic heater should be cleaned regularly. The air-cooled electromagnetic heater is mainly for heat dissipation, and the indoor ventilation should be better, so as to prevent the fan from getting stuck and not having the heat dissipation effect of the main board, thus causing the components to overheat and burn out.

2. Whether the product is installed correctly

Each type of electromagnetic heater and electromagnetic heating ring requirements of insulation cotton thickness, winding length, inductance value, input current value is different, must be in accordance with the manufacturer factory installation instructions for the standard. It is also very important that the spacing between the coil sets of each electromagnetic heating control panel is more than 10cm, because too close to each other will affect each other. Only the electromagnetic heater installed in the normal parameters of the range to ensure long-term stable operation.

3. The quality of products also matters a lot

If it has been installed according to the parameters on the manual, the workshop dust dust is not big under the circumstances of the electromagnetic heater is often out of order, then this is the quality of the problem. Do not exclude some manufacturers in order to reduce the cost of the use of cheap components to do lead to product quality instability and frequent failure, another reason is that although the use of components is good, but the circuit board itself is not reasonable design will lead to failure. If it is caused by quality problem, it is suggested to change one.

4. Degree of care for the product

For the workshop dust dust is relatively big user, should regularly brush the fan on the electromagnetic heater with the brush, with the dust on the electromagnetic heating coil, for the coil need not have heavy pressure, or cut, do not often have water splashed on the coil or electromagnetic induction heater. Also do not expose the electromagnetic heater in the open air environment, because the open air environment if encountered a rainy day must be wet, in the case of dry boot will lead to failure. Or outdoor environment in the morning more rain and dew, resulting in wet circuit board, dry case boot will also lead to the inside of the circuit short circuit.

The address of this article:http://m.liangjialin.cn/en/news/409.html

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